10 reasons why you should plant marigolds with tomatoes!

10 reasons why you should plant marigolds with tomatoes!

Planting marigolds with tomatoes in an allotment is a great way to create a colourful and bountiful crop. Marigolds are a companion plant to tomatoes, helping to deter pests such as aphids, whiteflies and nematodes, while also attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies to the garden. Planting marigolds near the tomatoes also helps to boost their growth and productivity, as the marigolds produce an oil that stimulates the growth of nearby plants. Additionally, marigolds are a beautiful addition to any allotment, adding a splash of colour and charm. With the right care and attention, planting marigolds with tomatoes in an allotment can be a rewarding experience that will yield plenty of delicious tomatoes.

Here are 10 reasons why we believe that planting these two companions together, makes for great success.  

Marigolds help to repel harmful insects and parasites, reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Marigolds contain a compound called pyrethrum, which is toxic to many insects and parasites. The strong smell of marigolds helps to repel harmful insects, reducing the need for chemical treatments that may harm beneficial insects or have other negative environmental impacts. Marigolds also release a toxin into the soil that helps to prevent insect larvae from developing. This means that, when planted near vegetables, marigolds can help to reduce the number of harmful insects that attack the crops.

They are a great companion plant for tomatoes, improving their growth and production.

Marigolds are believed to be beneficial to tomato growth and production for a number of reasons. First, the marigolds produce a strong, pungent odor that repels pests such as aphids, mites, and whiteflies, which can harm tomato plants. Additionally, marigolds secrete a compound called alpha-terthienyl that is toxic to nematodes, microscopic worms that can damage tomato roots. Finally, marigolds release a chemical into the soil that helps to reduce soil-borne diseases that can affect tomatoes. All of these factors make marigolds an effective companion plant for tomatoes, helping to increase growth and production.

Marigolds add colour to the allotment and attract beneficial insects.

Marigolds are known to attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, hoverflies, and lacewings. These insects are beneficial because they feed on other insects that can be damaging to gardens, such as aphids, thrips, and whiteflies. Marigolds contain pyrethrum, a naturally occurring chemical that repels some insects, which is why these beneficial insects are attracted to them. Additionally, the bright colors of marigolds also attract these insects, making them an excellent addition to any garden.

The flowers contain natural pest repellents that help to keep away harmful bugs.

Marigolds are known to be natural pest repellents. They contain a natural compound called Pyrethrum, which is toxic to many harmful bugs, such as mosquitoes, flies, and aphids. Marigolds also produce a strong scent that can repel other insects, such as beetles, ants, and caterpillars. Planting marigolds around the perimeter of a garden can provide natural protection from these pests and help keep plants healthy.

Marigolds act as a trap crop, luring pests away from the tomatoes.

Marigolds are a type of trap crop, which is a plant that is used to lure pests away from other plants. When pests are attracted to the marigolds, they feed on them instead of the other plants in the garden. This is beneficial because it helps to keep the other plants free from damage, allowing them to thrive and produce healthy fruits and vegetables. Trap cropping is a popular method for pest control and marigolds are an effective option for protecting tomatoes from pests. The bright colors and strong scent of marigolds attract pests and lure them away from tomatoes, keeping them safe and healthy.

The flowers contain a compound that has been found to be effective in controlling nematodes.

The compound that is found in marigolds that is effective in controlling nematodes is called pyrethrum. Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like creatures that feed on plant roots, which can cause severe damage to crops. Pyrethrum has insecticidal properties which can help to reduce the number of nematodes in the soil, thus protecting crops from their damage. This is beneficial because it helps to ensure a successful harvest, thus reducing losses due to pest damage.

Marigolds contain a natural fungicide that helps to prevent fungal diseases from affecting tomatoes.

Fungal diseases that can affect tomatoes include early blight, late blight, and septoria leaf spot. Early blight is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani, and is characterized by circular spots on the leaves and stem of the plant. Late blight is caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans, and is characterized by dark lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruit of the plant. Septoria leaf spot is caused by the fungus Septoria lycopersici, and is characterized by small, dark spots on the leaves. 

Marigolds are known to have natural fungicidal properties, which can help to prevent these fungal diseases. The marigolds produce a chemical called alpha-terthienyl, which has been found to have antifungal properties. This chemical can be released into the soil and absorbed by the roots of the tomato plants, helping to protect them from fungal diseases.

The strong smell of the flowers helps to keep away some insect pests.

Marigolds contain pyrethrum, an insecticide that is effective in repelling many types of insects, including mosquitoes, aphids, fleas, and mites. The strong scent of marigolds can also be off-putting to some insects, such as flies and beetles. Marigolds are a natural and safe way to deter pests from gardens and other outdoor spaces.

The roots of marigolds release a compound that helps to increase the availability of essential nutrients in the soil.

The roots of marigolds release a compound called glucosinolate, which helps to increase the availability of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil. Glucosinolate helps to break down organic matter and make these essential nutrients more readily available for plants to absorb. It also helps to stimulate beneficial soil microbes and earthworms, both of which are important for maintaining soil health. The presence of glucosinolate in the soil can improve soil fertility and help plants to thrive.

Marigolds are easy to grow and require minimal care and maintenance.

Marigolds are a low-maintenance plant, requiring minimal care and maintenance. They require only occasional watering, and benefit from an occasional application of fertilizer to promote growth. They thrive in direct sunlight and require minimal pruning. They also tend to be resistant to pests and diseases, making them a great choice for gardeners who don't want to spend too much time on upkeep. Overall, marigolds are a great choice for those looking for a plant that requires minimal care and maintenance.

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